Posts Tagged ‘Prayer’

Susan Wambui

30 Nov 2008

We recently asked you to pray for one of our dear teachers — Susan Wambui — whom we have known since she was a young girl in 1980. For several years, she has been struggling with a form of Lupus. Poor thing! She went through so much agony with various manifestations of this disease, attacking her various organs. For 3 months, she was on dialysis, which was an expensive drain on her family and the church.

God had a purpose in all her suffering. For example, during her times in the hospital, she had an opportunity to witness to other patients, doctors, nurses and unsaved family members.

Well, Susan’s pain is finally over. She passed on to glory a few days ago. Her funeral service was a great success and Susan “spoke” while dead. The testimony and tributes given on her were enough to minister to the hearts of all those present. Different school kids were also present and even placed a wreath as a group on Susan’s grave. It was more of a hope giving and revival service than a funeral.

Thanks for your prayers and concern for Susan! Many of you have asked about Susan’s condition over this past year or so. Your personal concern was such a blessing to her, and all of us!

Susan's Children

Susan's Funeral - Colleagues

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Clashes in Samburu District

25 Jul 2006

God is answering prayers concerning the clashes in Samburu District.

During the 4 months of violence between Pokot and Samburu tribesmen, the death toll reached 168. Many Samburu lost their herds, and many were displaced from their homes.

But relative peace has returned. The Kenyan government is conducting diplomacy aimed at reconciliation. We pray that this will lead to permanent peace and stability in the region.

The best news is that souls were saved during that tense time! Pastor Lepakin reports that his church alone experienced 47 professions of salvation. Our missionary partner in that remote area, Eric Bohman, recently held a baptism service and sent me the following encouraging message: “The place where I baptized was the very place a week ago they had a small battle and the Samburu killed a couple of Pokot! I thought it was kind of neat that a week later we baptized ten Samburu tribesman in the very spot! The Gospel does overcome!”

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A new church started!

15 Feb 2004

Our main church in Nanyuki town has been praying for a long time about the need for new churches in our growing town.

Today, we launched the new church at “Ichuga” sub-division.  Over 200 people attended the inaugural service!

Praise the Lord for His blessings!

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Busy Month!

24 Jan 2004

January has been a very busy month here in Kenya! Our new School year opened with many new students. We are praising the Lord for over 50 students who accepted Christ as their personal Savior during the first two weeks of school! God is good!!

I went out to the Maasai Region where we are building the new Youth Camp and Bible Institute. What a priceless tool this is going to be in reaching the next generation of Maasai for Christ! The believers out there are so excited. The Maasai culture is rapidly changing in these modern times. Many of the young people who were following traditions of their tribe just a few years ago, are now coming to Christ. Others are just coming into the modern world with all the trappings that involves. We are so thankful to have dedicated Pastors out in this remote region of Kenya who are concerned with reaching these young people for Christ and training them to follow Him.
Thirty new students just entered our Bible Institute, and we no longer have room to accommodate all of the students in our main B.I. facility. Therefore, the Maasai Camp complex is badly needed so that we can open a branch Institute to relieve the overcrowding. Many of our new Institute students come from our Maasai churches, so we can see God’s perfect timing in this project!

I also traveled out to another remote area where our newest missionary, John Longisa and his family are laboring. I visited with them in their home and was thrilled to see the joy of the Lord in their faces as they told about the work God is doing in their area. They have sacrificed such good jobs with good incomes in answering God’s to preach the Gospel in this remote area! They’ve already filled up the temporary church facility in Rumuruti trading centre! John also travels to several other Centers during the week, conducting prayer meetings and evangelism. He has been there less than a year and is already discipling a number of young men who are candidates for further studies in our Bible Institutes.

We desperately need financial help to continue with these two important new projects. Thank God for many praying friends of this ministry around the world!

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