New Year

14 Dec 2016

Dear Praying Friends,

What a year! The world changed in 2016. Your family no doubt changed. There are always discouragements – but also many victories (John 16:33).

A few areas where Sherry and I have been blessed in 2016:

  1. Family. Two new great-grandsons were born into our family! That makes five great-grandchildren, and ten grandchildren – truly “time flies when you’re having fun.”
  2. Health. Sherry’s health has improved greatly! Thanks so much for your prayers. She is feeling very energetic, and is becoming much more influential in the ministry again.
  3. New Missionaries. (1) Our grand-daughter, Elisabeth, has been approved as a missionary to Uganda. We are so proud of her! (2) A new single lady missionary has joined our team to oversee the orphan ministries. Please pray for Aleks Stogsdill as she moves to Kenya next month.

Some specific areas of much needed prayer:

  1. School. Our Christian school’s continuing financial struggles.
  2. Election. 2017 is an election year in Kenya. There has been terrible violence before and after previous elections. Tribalism is a growing threat to Kenya’s stability.
  3. Traffic. It might seem like a weird request, but almost every long-term Kenya missionary we know has been involved in a serious road accident. The situation is getting worse. As I wrote this letter, news broke over a tragic crash which claimed 43 lives!

May God bless you and yours with a very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year!

In His amazing grace,

Jerry & Sherry Daniels

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