Sherry’s hemoglobin continues to rise, and it seems pretty certain that the Malaria has finally been eradicated. Praise the Lord!
We KNOW that this is a genuine answer to the prayers of many of God’s people! May God give each one a special reward for their prayers and concern!
We just received an encouraging Email which emphasizes and important aspect of intercessory prayer:
“The oddest thing is that my husband and I were praying a week or two ago and he was burdened to pray for you and Sherry…. Well that night when I checked the Email, I saw your message concerning Sherry’s condition. God is truly awesome. He burdened us for prayer before we even knew the urgency of it!”
I personally believe that this is an example of what Paul was referring to in Ephesians 6:18 where he urges us to pray “in the spirit”. The context is intercessory prayer – especially for missionaries!