Archive for April, 2001

Grandchild – Kevin Daniels

25 Apr 2001
Kevin & Amy

Kevin & Amy

Our tenth grandchild, little Kevin Michael Daniels, was born in Saudi Arabia three weeks ago. Sherry went in January to help our daughter-in-law, Mona, who was experiencing a very difficult pregnancy. But, praise the Lord, little Kevin was born healthy! Many of you were praying for this special ministry trip, and we are so grateful!

I joined Sherry and Tim’s family in the Kingdom for two weeks in March. In addition to enjoying the family, we also had chances to minister – not only to Tim’s family but also to a fellowship of believers. This little
fellowship even gave us a love offering which was such a blessing at time when we really needed special funds, not only to cover some of the trip expenses, but also for a couple of pressing projects here in Kenya. The Lord supplies in very unexpected ways sometimes!

Back in Kenya: So many good things have been happening so fast that I haven’t even had a chance to get this prayer letter written! We have started some new ministries and revived others which were sinking, and one particularly great blessing was the opportunity to teach a short seminar to group of pastors in Western Kenya.

Good rains have finally come to Kenya and the crisis is over. For those of you who contributed to the famine relief project over the past 8 months, only heaven will reveal the full extent of the lives which were touched and souls saved through your generosity! May God bless you richly for caring!

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Posted in African Diary


Famine Update

12 Apr 2001

Good rains have finally come to Kenya and the crisis is over. For those of you who contributed to the famine relief project over the past 8 months, only heaven will reveal the full extent of the lives which were touched and souls saved through your generosity! May God bless you richly for caring!!

Here’s one specific testimony from Pastor Stephen Ngunjiri. He sent this following report during the worst of the crisis. It is just ONE of MANY similar examples of the spiritual fruit, and the demonstration of the Love of Christ, which we witnessed during this crisis.

Pastor Ngunjiri wrote…

“The food was shared among 277 families from three local Churches – Timau Baptist Church, Ngenia Baptist Church and East Laikipia Baptist Church. Also, all the visitors and those who attend the above named Churches, and who are not Church members were included in the sharing of the food.

“As we had decided to give out the food on Sunday, after the service, more than 700 people had the opportunity to hear the good news of the food of life. Again we would like to say thank you very much and may Almighty God bless you for your generous contribution to the needy.”

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Posted in African Diary


Bush Schools

11 Apr 2001

Naibor School

Fourteen years ago, a kindhearted group of church members from Shiloh Hills Baptist Church in Kennesaw, Georgia visited Kenya. One of the projects which they tackled was building the first two classrooms of a new primary school in the poverty stricken bush country known as Naibor.

The Shiloh-Naibor Primary School has become a focal point of progress for the whole community, especially in Spiritual matters. Many lives have been touched through our ministry to the Naibor community through this school and the Naibor Baptist Church which shares the same compound.

In spite of the grinding, hopeless poverty of this region, the children work hard in their studies, hoping for a better life through the doors which education opens in this modern world. They eagerly attend the chapel services and soak up all the Bible teaching we can give them. One of our Bible Institute students, John Chirchir, who lives in that area, teaches Bible lessons to the students and faculty of Shiloh-Naibor School at least twice a week.

John is a fine young man who was raised in that area. His oldest child is a student in the Shiloh-Naibor School. John loves children, and even though he is very poor himself, he spends much of his meager income trying to offer the kids in his village a better life. He has formed a children’s Bible Club in his village, and rides his rickety bicycle many miles deeper into the bush several times a week to preach to another small congregation at a place called Mogwooni. John is about half way through his studies in the Mt. Kenya Baptist Bible College, making very good grades.

In addition to spiritual support, we try our best to offer the Shiloh-Naibor School help with the most basic needs. Recently, I received a special offering from an unexpected source which enabled me to invest over $500 in some badly needed books and other basic needs for the School. The whole community was overjoyed at this small investment! You’d have thought I gave them $10,000! (I wish I could!!!)

Ereri School

About five miles away, there is a brand new settlement area which is similar to the Naibor community. Through the generous efforts of a team from Orlando Baptist Church, we have planted the first and only church in the Ereri Settlement area. The Orlando Team also built a Kindergarten classroom – which has already been expanded to house 1st grade as well! The Ereri Church and community are struggling to pool their pitiful resources to build another classroom. We would like to assist this school! Any donations to this project would be an outstanding investment in the spiritual as well as the material progress of this new community!

Pastor James Ndegwa has a large family to support: wife, 5 children, brother, and mother. He was injured by a wild animal a few years ago, and is in constant pain. Medical treatment is expensive, and Pastor Ndegwa has no resources of his own. Please pray for him.

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