Posts Tagged ‘Passage to Manhood’

Victory & Counter-Attack

25 Jan 2015

Passage to Manhood Camp of the Timau Bible Baptist Church. Many of you prayed specifically for this outreach, and some even sent financial assistance for additional bedding. The camp itself is completely self-funded by the Timau church, which is a strong indicator of the church’s commitment to infusing biblical values into the culture. This year’s camp was a great success, with 102 young men accepting Christ as Saviour, and others surrendering their lives to Him for service!

However, with great victory, there is often visible opposition from our spiritual enemy. These culture-changing programs are not universally accepted by some tribal leaders who oppose biblical values. And we often see overt, supernatural attacks from the enemy.

For example, another effective Pastor/Evangelist, John Longisa, and his wife, Lucy, along with their whole family have been enormously effective in planting churches in harsh remote areas of the North of Kenya. Their firstborn daugther, Margaret, was a role model of a Christian young lady. She was married a year ago, and was actively serving the Lord with her husband. Tragically, just before Christmas, she contracted a killer strain of Hepatitis and suddenly died! Pastor John and his family, church members, and all of us are still in shock!

The age-old question keeps coming up: “Why do bad things happen to good people?” We don’t claim to have all the answers, but we continue onward for the Lord, trusting in His sovereignty and wisdom, and praying 1 Thes. 3:1-3. Lucy has struggled with chronic illness herself, so this tragedy is hard on her. She and John were preparing to move farther North, into one of the wildest and most harsh environments on earth. It was quite a step of faith and commitment, involving great financial sacrifice as well as increased danger. Obviously, the death of their daughter has been a crushing blow. Please pray for Pastor John and his dear wife as they work through the grief, and refocus on their commitment to reaching out into the Northern Frontier.

May God bless you for your concern and prayers,


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Posted in African Diary


Passage to Manhood

03 Oct 2012

Dear Praying Friends,

Many are aware of increased terrorist attacks and rising tensions in East Africa due to Islamic extremism. But, the Lord has mercifully kept our people safe, and our ministries are moving forward. Pastor Stephen Ngunjiri, one of our faithful Kenyan Pastors, recently commented that the Sunday after 16 worshipers were killed in a church bombing in another town, his church was packed to over-flowing!

Also the annual Sports Evangelism tournament in his region has seen 51 souls come to Christ so far! Next Saturday, October 6th, is the championship game, and Pastor Onesimus Kibera will bring the Bible message to the crowd (which was over 1,000 last year!). Please pray that many souls will be reached for Christ on Saturday, and that God will protect this high-profile event. Activities like this are valuable in building inter-tribal, cultural and religious tolerance, as kids play together and develop good sportsmanship and character through Church sponsored leagues like this.

Another program which is changing culture is the annual “Passage to Manhood” camp which Pastor Stephen and his team of youth workers of Timau Bible Baptist Church conduct every year. Last year they had a total of 142 boys go through the 6 week camp, with 117 accepting Christ! Even though the church members sacrificed greatly to fund this program, they still had to turn many boys away due to lack of bedding and other supplies. They are praying for provision of bedding and food to be able to accommodate at least 200 boys this year.

The extra cost of one boy is about $48, and this includes bedding which can be used in future years. We have recently received some special undesignated offerings which will be applied to this worthy program. Another $2,000 would put us over the top in helping this great local church impact their entire region. Literally hundreds of families are being touched in multiple ways through this great program. Most of the boys themselves find Christ as Saviour during the camp, and whole families and networks of friends and neighbors are touched in a positive way with the Biblical principles which serve as an alternative to the unscriptural traditional rites of passage which various tribes practice.

2 Thes. 3:1-3 is in my mind a lot these days. We humbly and gratefully ask you to join us in this prayer.

Thanks and God bless,

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