Pastor Ron Williams and 8 men from the Palmetto Avenue Baptist Church in Sanford, Florida had quite an impact on our ministry in Central Kenya in a very short time this Summer.
They built a church building for a very poor congregation in a nearby village. The community was amazed to see how hard these men worked! They were real troupers, accepting hardships, and even eating African food! (Well, most of them, anyway 🙂
They also conducted Sports Clinics and other evangelistic meetings, as well as ministering in our Christian School, various churches, and the Timau Orphans Project.
They were a great encouragement everywhere they went! Souls were saved and believers were encouraged and challenged!
We are truly honored to part of the world-wide missionary team of this great church! May God bless these nine wonderful men, and the great church which they represented so well!
- What a Crew
- Getting started – FIRST DAY!
- Building Progress – STILL the first day!
- Pastor – what a craftsman!
- Moving along! Day 2
- What progress – Day 2 pm
- Cooking lunch for the crew – can’t wait!
- Kitchen – sure smells good!
- African Food – Mmmm…
- Job Well Done!
- Sports Clinic drew some visitors
- Showin’ em how it’s done
- Preaching to the Youth
- Youth Sports Clinic Preaching Time
- School Chapel Service
- Sunday Service – Pastors Kibera & Williams
- Junior Church
- AWANA loved the visitors!
- Everyone received a hand-made gift!