Posts Tagged ‘Schools’


25 Mar 2015

By God’s amazing grace, 2014 was another great year for the Mt. Kenya Bible Baptist Fellowship of Churhes!

Salvations – 3,204
Baptisms – 882
Current Number of Active Churches – 80
Total average Sunday attendance – 7,790
Average attendance per congregation – 97
Total number in leadership training in our 5 Bible Institutes, and local church’s Institutes – 468

We know that much prayer and sacrificial giving has made this possible, and we don’t take it for granted!  Without prayerful intercession, these results surely would not have been possible (2 Thes. 3:1-2).  May God richly reward all who have invested prayer and finances!!

Some current prayer requests:

1. Violent Islamic extremism:  Always lurking in the shadows, complicating the outreach into the Northern regions.

2. Mt. Kenya Baptist School:  The crisis which began last year is still with us, but the situation is more hopeful.  Please continue praying!

3. Drought has hit several areas of our ministry.  The Long Rains normally come around Easter.  We are praying for adequate rains this year.  Rain failure would just add more suffering to already difficult living conditions for many of our believers.

4. Orphan and Children’s ministries: Planning to build a permanent orphanage building(s) where there are now temporary buildings.  Wisdom and provision needed!

Again, we are so, thankful for prayers!

In God’s amazing grace,


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It’s been a BUSY Summer!

23 Aug 2011

Sorry the updates have been few! I’m feeling my “geezer” age now, and it’s hard to keep up the pace. But God’s grace has been sufficient for Sherry and me, and we are thankful to Him, and for YOU and your faithful prayers and support!



July’s highlight was a fantastic team from El Paso. What a great group of people! They had the sweetest attitudes and never complained once about being worked to death! No kidding, I think we put too much on them this time — (most of the same folks came last year too).

They presented the Gospel in song, drama, preaching and personal evangelism in over a dozen schools, open air sites and during a sports evangelism tournament. Well over 100 souls came to Christ, as far as we were able to discern. The last school they visited was 90% Muslim, and there was no visible invitation given because of persecution of new believers. But judging from facial expressions I know that many of these students were impacted by the very clear presentation of the Gospel!

Thanks, Cielo Vista Team! And thanks to all who have prayed and given to make this trip, and other ministry fruit possible!

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