Posts Tagged ‘Prayer’

New Year

14 Dec 2016

Dear Praying Friends,

What a year! The world changed in 2016. Your family no doubt changed. There are always discouragements – but also many victories (John 16:33).

A few areas where Sherry and I have been blessed in 2016:

  1. Family. Two new great-grandsons were born into our family! That makes five great-grandchildren, and ten grandchildren – truly “time flies when you’re having fun.”
  2. Health. Sherry’s health has improved greatly! Thanks so much for your prayers. She is feeling very energetic, and is becoming much more influential in the ministry again.
  3. New Missionaries. (1) Our grand-daughter, Elisabeth, has been approved as a missionary to Uganda. We are so proud of her! (2) A new single lady missionary has joined our team to oversee the orphan ministries. Please pray for Aleks Stogsdill as she moves to Kenya next month.

Some specific areas of much needed prayer:

  1. School. Our Christian school’s continuing financial struggles.
  2. Election. 2017 is an election year in Kenya. There has been terrible violence before and after previous elections. Tribalism is a growing threat to Kenya’s stability.
  3. Traffic. It might seem like a weird request, but almost every long-term Kenya missionary we know has been involved in a serious road accident. The situation is getting worse. As I wrote this letter, news broke over a tragic crash which claimed 43 lives!

May God bless you and yours with a very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year!

In His amazing grace,

Jerry & Sherry Daniels

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Blessings & Prayer Requests

27 Jun 2016

By God’s amazing grace, and with your faithful support, we’ve seen great blessings over the most recent 12 month period:

  • Salvations – 3,024
  • Baptisms – 649
  • 5 new churches planted (Current Number of Active Churches – 85)
  • 6 Bible Institutes, with total of 474 in leadership training (including local churches’ institutes)

We know that much prayer and sacrificial giving has made this possible, and we don’t take it for granted!

Prayer requests:

1. BIBLES needed for opportunities in public schools! We have been given exclusive spiritual oversight of two public schools out in remote area, and would have even more opportunities if we had more resources. Right now, we need at least 50 Bibles for each of the schools for which we provide Chaplains. Each Bible is about $7 — so that’s about $700 which is needed right now. We are so thankful that the Bible has not yet been banned in Kenyan schools, and in fact, there are constant requests from school principals for Bibles and other spiritual materials. Thanks for your prayers for these many opportunities to touch young lives with the Gospel!

2. Orphan and Children’s ministries: We’re hoping to build a permanent orphanage where we now have only temporary buildings. Wisdom and provision needed!

3. A young person (or older one!) willing to serve for two years as an orphanage coordinator for a very small stipend — but for many eternal rewards, and an opportunity to make a difference in many children’s lives!

Again, we are so, thankful for prayers!

In God’s amazing grace,


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25 Mar 2015

By God’s amazing grace, 2014 was another great year for the Mt. Kenya Bible Baptist Fellowship of Churhes!

Salvations – 3,204
Baptisms – 882
Current Number of Active Churches – 80
Total average Sunday attendance – 7,790
Average attendance per congregation – 97
Total number in leadership training in our 5 Bible Institutes, and local church’s Institutes – 468

We know that much prayer and sacrificial giving has made this possible, and we don’t take it for granted!  Without prayerful intercession, these results surely would not have been possible (2 Thes. 3:1-2).  May God richly reward all who have invested prayer and finances!!

Some current prayer requests:

1. Violent Islamic extremism:  Always lurking in the shadows, complicating the outreach into the Northern regions.

2. Mt. Kenya Baptist School:  The crisis which began last year is still with us, but the situation is more hopeful.  Please continue praying!

3. Drought has hit several areas of our ministry.  The Long Rains normally come around Easter.  We are praying for adequate rains this year.  Rain failure would just add more suffering to already difficult living conditions for many of our believers.

4. Orphan and Children’s ministries: Planning to build a permanent orphanage building(s) where there are now temporary buildings.  Wisdom and provision needed!

Again, we are so, thankful for prayers!

In God’s amazing grace,


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Victory & Counter-Attack

25 Jan 2015

Passage to Manhood Camp of the Timau Bible Baptist Church. Many of you prayed specifically for this outreach, and some even sent financial assistance for additional bedding. The camp itself is completely self-funded by the Timau church, which is a strong indicator of the church’s commitment to infusing biblical values into the culture. This year’s camp was a great success, with 102 young men accepting Christ as Saviour, and others surrendering their lives to Him for service!

However, with great victory, there is often visible opposition from our spiritual enemy. These culture-changing programs are not universally accepted by some tribal leaders who oppose biblical values. And we often see overt, supernatural attacks from the enemy.

For example, another effective Pastor/Evangelist, John Longisa, and his wife, Lucy, along with their whole family have been enormously effective in planting churches in harsh remote areas of the North of Kenya. Their firstborn daugther, Margaret, was a role model of a Christian young lady. She was married a year ago, and was actively serving the Lord with her husband. Tragically, just before Christmas, she contracted a killer strain of Hepatitis and suddenly died! Pastor John and his family, church members, and all of us are still in shock!

The age-old question keeps coming up: “Why do bad things happen to good people?” We don’t claim to have all the answers, but we continue onward for the Lord, trusting in His sovereignty and wisdom, and praying 1 Thes. 3:1-3. Lucy has struggled with chronic illness herself, so this tragedy is hard on her. She and John were preparing to move farther North, into one of the wildest and most harsh environments on earth. It was quite a step of faith and commitment, involving great financial sacrifice as well as increased danger. Obviously, the death of their daughter has been a crushing blow. Please pray for Pastor John and his dear wife as they work through the grief, and refocus on their commitment to reaching out into the Northern Frontier.

May God bless you for your concern and prayers,


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