Archive for February, 2003

Call for Help

20 Feb 2003

Call for help from the Front Lines!

One of our strongest churches, the Timau Bible Baptist Church, is under attack from the forces of darkness. The church is strategically situated on the main road to the vast Northern Frontier region of Kenya, serving all the traffic going to Ethiopia and most of Somalia. Islam is very strong in this northern region, and is moving South rapidly.

Muslims with wealthy Arab connections have been negotiating for a choice 2 acre plot of land right next to the Timau Bible Baptist Church, on a hill which overlooks all of the northern slopes of Mt. Kenya. Their intent is to build a huge mosque which would dominate the skyline for miles, and to start Islamic brainwashing classes. Surely one can read between the lines and see what the long range implications are. Kenya has suffered four major terrorist attacks in as many years, not to mention numerous incidents which have not made international news. Kenya is bordered by two dangerous regimes which have openly declared their determination to force radical Islam upon the peoples of Kenya. The strategic high-ground plot at Timau would give them a major foothold affecting a large, influential region.

The owners of this property have offered first choice to the Timau church, but there is no way that this poor congregation can come up with $6,500 on such short notice. The church is very committed to missions as well as youth ministries and caring for orphans. It is a strong church with the largest percentage of faithful MEN of any of our churches! No doubt, this is why the evil one has targeted this particular church!

Actually, the ministry of the Timau Bible Baptist Church has been growing rapidly, and this strategic plot is genuinely needed for their ministry expansion. We know that God is in control and that He has a plan — but we also know that His heart is moved by the prayers of His people.

I’m praying that many who read these words will take time to pray, and, as the Spirit leads, send a donation for this strategic “Timau Plot Purchase”! I know God will bless them for it!!

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