Posts Tagged ‘Famine’

Looking back…

27 Dec 2011

Looking back over this year, we are thankful for God’s many blessings upon the ministry in Kenya and upon Sherry and me, personally. To mention just a few:

Sherry has successfully come through two dangerous surgeries this year (eye and back). We know many of you were praying, and we are so grateful!

This year also saw Andrew and Abby Lettsome step in and become a critical factor in whatever successes there have been in the Mt. Kenya Baptist ministries this year! We are so blessed by their talents and sweet spirits! It’s hard to belive how quickly they have matured into ‘veteran’ missionaries in so many ways!

Three teams have sacrificed time and finances to come over to Kenya, using their talents and passion to see souls come to Christ and touch lives in many ways. Much eternal fruit has been credited to their accounts!

One of the great challenges of this year has been the ongoing famine in the Northeastern region of Kenya. The hardest hit areas happen to be largely Muslim populations. So, this has been an opportunity to show, in a tangible way, the love of Christ, and thereby earn a hearing for the message of ‘reconciliation’ through Jesus Christ. Many lives are being touched!!

2012 will be a watershed year for Kenya, America, and our Mt. Kenya ministries! We are seeing in Kenya, as you are seeing in your part of the world, no doubt, increasing attacks of evil. But, by God’s grace, we know that He can turn every trial and tragedy into a positive testimony of His love and grace! That is our prayer for the new year!

Merry Christmas & Blessed New Year!

Jerry & Sherry Daniels
“the Daniels in the Lion’s Den”

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Posted in African Diary


Promising New Year

19 Jan 2003

As the old year came to an end, we saw some awesome movement of God’s hand here in East Africa! Just to mention a few of the recent blessings:

  • Kenya’s National Elections came off unexpectedly peacefully two weeks ago.
  • We’ve just sent out another fine African family as missionaries to the harsh interior bush region about 100 miles Northwest of Mt. Kenya.
  • Our African missionary in Tanzania (Joel Muli) has started a new church.
  • The work in the radical Muslim stronghold of Isiolo is progressing well.
  • We are beginning to see God’s hand moving in the Coastal ministry.
  • The Maasai Youth Camp/Bible Institute property has been secured and we are ready to build!

The new year promises to very exciting! But, with every opportunity, there are obstacles which only God can overcome. God’s heart is moved by prayer. Therefore, we plead with you to remember the following needs:

Maasai Youth Camp/Bible Institute building project.

  • Property for the Isiolo Project.
  • Expansion into the deep bush area of western Laikipia District.
  • Financial stability in Kenya — the exchange rate is FALLING after the elections turned out so well. That might be good for Kenya’s economy, BUT it means that our support may not go as far.
  • God’s continued blessing and guidance upon the Coast ministry.
  • Pockets of Famine which still remain North of Mt. Kenya. (A wonderful opportunity to reach people for Christ — IF resources are available.) Pray for rain and provision in the meanwhile.

We thank the Lord for all those who are praying around the world!

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Fruit in the Drought

22 Oct 2002

Your special prayers for the drought situation in Central Kenya is bearing fruit!!!

We have sent out about $1,300 worth of famine relief food thus far. Our churches use this as an opportunity to share the love of Christ with the whole community. Thus far, I have received preliminary reports of 14 people accepting Christ as Savior. We do not pressure people to make decisions – but we ask that they listen to the Gospel before they receive the food.

I’m sure there will be much more spiritual fruit as the sincerity of the love of our people has time to penetrate the hearts of the unsaved in the various villages.

A special blessing: I discovered that the Kenya Government had 300 bags of maize in a warehouse, and was able to convince them to release it to us for distribution. So, for a mere $200 in fuel costs, we were able to get food to thousands of people, and get the Gospel message out – at Government expense! I haven’t received the reports from this distribution exercise yet – but I’m sure that there will be much spiritual fruit added to our heavenly accounts.

Thanks for caring!

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Famine Update

15 Sep 2002

Our faithful Maasai pastor, Daniel Kalasinga, came in from the bush yesterday. He brought his wife, Mariamu, to the hospital for surgery. During our conversation he told about the pockets of famine which are emerging again in his district. Three centers where we have churches are particularly hard hit.

I truly love this dear old pastor, who has been faithfully preaching the Gospel in Maasailand for over 20 years. He has ten children, and it is his dream to have them all serving in God’s work. His first-born has graduated from our Bible Institute and is helping start a new church in our Provincial capital city.

Pastor Kalasinga doesn’t say very much – but “when he talks, people listen!” As he quietly told me about the emerging famine, my heart was gripped.

I rang the District Commissioner immediately to see if the government had plans for sending famine relief food to this stricken area. “We have scheduled a meeting for October 3rd to discuss the matter,” I was told. Knowing how slow the wheels of bureaucracy move, I realized that it will be two months, minimum, before the government rises to the the need.

I couldn’t resist Kalasinga’s plea for his people, and the souls of the unsaved in these three areas. Many souls have been saved in past Famine Relief outreaches. So, it really is an opportunity to reach the unsaved. We calculated the minimum amount necessary to provide very bare sustenance for the these communities for a month – 24,000 Shillings (About $310). All I had available was 18,000 ($230) – I wished I had more, but I knew even this small amount was taxing my resources. Even so, I gladly gave him that amount, knowing that he and his other pastors will use this food as a tool for evangelism as well as relieving the suffering of our believers.

We’re praying that: First, that souls will be saved, and believers will be encouraged; Secondly, that the government will act quickly; and Thirdly, that the expected rains in mid-October will be sufficient to revive the grass so that no additional animals will be lost.

May God bless you all for your concern as you join in praying with us.

Praying for Food

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