Jerry & Sherry Daniels

Summer 2002 - Sanford, Florida reaches out to East Africa

It was our privilege to host nine Members of Palmetto Avenue Baptist Church this Summer.  These men worked hard to build a church building and conduct evangelistic meetings which will continue to bear fruit for many years to come!

Read the African Diary Entry.

What a crew...

Getting started - FIRST DAY!

Building Progress - STILL the first day!

Pastor - what a craftsman!

Moving along! Day 2

What progress - Day 2 pm

Cooking lunch for the crew - can't wait!

Kitchen - sure smells good!

African Food - Mmmm...

Job Well Done!

Sports Clinic drew some visitors

Showin' em how it's done

Preaching to the Youth

Youth Sports Clinic Preaching Time

School Chapel Service

Sunday Service - Pastors Kibera & Williams

Junior Church

AWANA loved the visitors!

Everyone received a hand-made gift!

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