Jerry & Sherry Daniels

(page updated on May 17, 2010)

The Need!

From Mount Kenya North to Ethiopia is approximately 300 miles, and East to Somalia is 300 miles. 90,000 sq. miles of desert, semi-desert and mountain plateaus where an estimated 4 million souls eke out a living, surviving on herds, foraging and at the mercy of the drought and flood cycles, disease and banditry. Spiritually, less than 1% know Jesus as personal Saviour, and the vast majority have never heard a clear presentation of the Gospel.

The Call!

God has placed Mt. Kenya Bible Baptist Fellowship, with approximately 60 local churches, at the Southern edge of the Northern Frontier region. We have spiritually mature men and women who are catching the vision and are surrendering to GO into this neglected area where most have never heard a clear presentation of the Gospel message!


The Foothold!

Isiolo is the gateway city to the vast Northern region. By God's grace, we acquired this wonderful building which has enabled us to establish an ORPHANAGE, children’s feeding program, youth center, nursery school, addiction counseling center, and job training training program, in addition to the spiritual ministries of the church.

Facility Nursery Youth Feeding

Pray for the current ministry team in Isiolo:

Peter Lokwamor, Peter Katonga (whose wife, Rose, is not shown), Julius Korir

The Next Step!

Moyale! Human logic would lead us to think of expanding to the next town to the North – but God is leading differently. He has recently led us all the way to the Northern border town of Moyale.

(See Moyale Survey Summary – African Diary & Moyale Photo Album)


Send donations to:

Baptist Bible Fellowship, Int.
PO Box 191
Springfield, MO 65801

Checks payable to “Baptist Bible Fellowship”, but be sure to indicate that it is for the account of “Jerry Daniels, Kenya” — “Isiolo Project”

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